Reflction ESE.

    This class was about math it’s the advanced math for seniors we did a whole bunch of things in this class like radians, coterminals, and sine we did a whole lot more but that’s all I remember. The teacher who taught this class was Victoria Velázquez aka Vikkie a she’s pretty cool when she is nice but when you get her mad she can be not so cool. She also went into the navy and also was raised in New York the Bronx baby! Vikkie is also full Puerto Rican and really weird but that just makes her unique.

My favorite part of this class was sitting next to Lupe, Michelle, Roger and Maritza. It was my favorite part but because they were really funny and they made the class fun. I also liked doing work when I knew how to do it because when I knew how to do it I would actually do it and it was easy. My least favorite part of this math class was that I would get kicked out for really dumb things and that I didn’t know how to do a lot of assignments but that is a lot of my fault because I didn’t ask most of the time how to do it.

I learned a lot of new things I haven’t seen before. One of them was Coterminals I never seen it in my life and I didn’t know how to do that coterminals worksheet but Maritza showed me how to do it and it finally clicked in my head and it was really easier then I thought and I did the whole assignment. That really felt good. I would probably wanted to learn math the we would use in real life like how to manage your bank and how to afford paying rent and living good I don’t know something like that. If I have this class next semester I want real world math that I would use.

I passed the math proficiency last year I think of maybe it was the year before that. I think that pretty much all my math skills improved this class and my other class really refreshed my memory and taught me new math skills that I didn’t know before. The things that I need to improve are probably listening skills and also my times tables ha I know a lot of them but not all of them I want to get to know them hella quick. Oh yea I almost forgot I want to know how to reduce fractions I never known how to do that.